Sunday, June 7, 2015

Betrayed agreement !!!

Always we read in books or newspaper and we watch at TV about second war world. We know that, before the war begin, western countries tried to stop the war. They were trying to appeasing Hitler to prevent the war. The appeasement of Hitler led to war. Unfortunately result of that war was more than 60 billion death and divested countries. After the war for prevent of that war happen again, U.N has been established. The U.N goals were to prevent massacre people and      result of that war more that 60 billion death and divested countries. After the war to prevent of that war again, U.N has been established. The reason was to prevent massacre people.

Unfortunately this scenario happening again in my country and appeasing with Mullahs encourage them to suppressive more people. Unfortunately U.N forgot his principles and has been betrayed to his agreement .the result of this appeasing is not except killing and hanging and abusing human right in my country and also encourage Mullahs to impose in region like Iraq and Lebanon and Syria Have you ever think about solution and how we can put to end seal on this appeasement? 

I think the only way, we have front of us to support PMOI and National council of resistant (NCR)Leading by leady Marym Rajavi .

In fact we have a Grate Gathering in Paris which is crystallization of power and resistant and stability of Iranian people.  

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